
专注于Global SaaS和AI的创新型社区

Linkloud is an innovative community focus on Global SaaS and AI

In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."
In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."

  • 愿景

    成为全球最具影响力和专业性的华人 SaaS 和 AI 创业者社区

  • 使命

    助力华人 SaaS 和 AI 团队开拓海外市场,帮助实现全球化发展

  • 价值观

    专注 SaaS/AI 全球化,提供最专业服务,分享最成功经验,实现共同成长

In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."
In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."

Linkloud 沙龙


Linkloud 沙龙第二十一期
In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."
In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."

Linkloud 先锋加速营

打造以走进美国、日本为主的游学活动,帮助成员全方位了解从优秀出海代表到 SaaS 巨头的最佳实践,与当地优秀创业者和上下游合作伙伴深度碰撞,同行业内资深投资人学习交流,并建立拓展海外市场必要的人脉和资源。

In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."
In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."

Linkloud Workshop

精选企业在 PMF、增长及商业化中遇到的核心问题,联合具有相关成功经验的导师,将海内外最佳实践整理成全行业最专业、最系统、最实操的中文教材,目前已圆满完成两期关于 SEO 和 KOL 营销的线下课程。

第一期 2023年6月
SEO Workshop
In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."
In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."


我们坚信软件与 SaaS 是最好的生意,具备持久的商业模式与回报,并且生成式 AI 的发展会让软件全球化得到快速提升。

In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."
In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."

Linkloud 友情链接

  • 出海同学会


    美国 . 旧金山

  • 匠新


    中国 . 上海

  • ExponentialX


    美国 . 旧金山

  • SaaStr


    美国 . 旧金山

  • AWS


    美国 . 西雅图

In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."
In the right area, tell Kimmy what kind of section you want to add, like "I'd like to add a product introduction here."

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